FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

We’ll be opening the doors to our family of schools again on Friday 2 May – why not come along and find out what makes us different!  

To register, please click the link below or email admissions at admissions@hlc.org.uk 


Virtual HCU Reunion

The HCU Reunion on Saturday 6th June 2020 took a rather different format to usual – via Zoom! Whilst the reunion usually takes place at College, this year we had to think outside the box and a come up with a rather special alternative, and it enabled over 170 alumnae to join from across the world.

If you missed the live virtual reunion, the recording can still be watched on YouTube here.

Principal, Sylvia Brett led a special Chapel Service, with some very evocative Chapel Choir hymns including How Shall I Sing, and a reading by Chair of Governors and alumna Francine Holroyd (1978-85). Alumnae enjoyed a special performance of Rutter’s A Gaelic Blessing, which was impressively recorded remotely by the Chapel Choir (watch it again here). Mrs Brett reflected on the year and a silence was observed for alumnae affected by COVID-19, with Sevenfold Amen finishing the Service.

Following this, we were delighted to welcome three former pupils to give a reading, a performance and a talk: Sharon Maas (Jo Westmaas 1961-65, 68-69), Elle Kay-Coles (2011-15) and Alice Barber (2006-13). Thank you to our Guests for giving their time to entertain and inspire us brilliantly. Alumni Relations Officer Alex Partridge then introduced a video tour of the school and Lancaster boarding house to give a flavour of life at College in 2020.

Alumnae were encouraged to join our friendly alumnae Facebook group after the event to continue the trip down memory lane, where photographs and memories were shared enthusiastically during the afternoon and following days.