A Level Scientists Lead the Way for the Future
Students at Harrogate Ladies’ College are celebrating a stellar crop of A Level results which will propel many of them into the science fields in the future. Students at the school achieved top results in Physics, and terrific success in Biology, Maths and Chemistry. Over a third of pupils have chosen STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects at university, including Astro Physics, Chemical Engineering, Medicine, Maths and Biology.
Principal of the College for the past eight years, Sylvia Brett, said the shortage of women in STEM careers was well documented across the world.
“As an all-girls school it’s important for us to lead the way and encourage the next generation of female engineers, scientists and mathematicians to fulfil their maximum potential, and continue to make their mark on the world.”

Sylvia Brett, Principal of Harrogate Ladies’ College and pupils celebrate achieving impressive A levels
Overall, 43% of grades were A*, 69% of all grades were A*-A, 83% were A*B and 92% were A*-C. As well as performing well in STEM, pupils also achieved 100% A*-A grades in a range of subjects including French, Spanish, Latin, Geography and RS.
Among those celebrating today is Allison Hennessy who achieved 3 As, and is set to study Astro Physics at The University of Edinburgh. She said: “I am thrilled with my results and the fact I can go on to pursue a subject I’ve been interested in all my life.”
Also celebrating is Autumn Joseph, a leading local environmental campaigner and former Eco-Committee Prefect, who plans to study Law at University College London. She paid tribute to her teachers’ enthusiasm and energy which prompted her to become an ambassador for The Earth Project: “I’m so pleased with my results and the opportunities the school has thrown open for me. I can’t wait to learn more about law and combine my studies with my interest in the environment. A lot of my interest was sparked by my teachers at school.”
Other examples include Freya Hartley of Ilkley who achieved 2A*s and an A who intends to study music at Durham University.
Successes also include Joint Head Girls Bai-toey Angkanaporn, who achieved 2 A*s and 2 As, and will study Chemical Engineering at University College London and Harriet Swift, who achieved 3 A*s and will study Law and Politics at The University of Manchester. Also high-achieving students Tamsin Ker, who achieved 3 A*s and will go to The University of Bath to study Business, and Rose Szajdzicka, who achieved 2 A*s and an A and will study Physics at The University of Exeter.
Outstanding student Lucy Thomas achieved 3 A*s to earn her place at The University of Bristol to study Law, and two years ago achieved a clean sweep of 8 Grade 9s and 1 Grade 8 at GCSE.
Sylvia Brett, Principal of Harrogate Ladies’ College said:
“Students should be incredibly proud of what they have achieved in these uncertain times. These grades are a true reflection of the hard work they have put in and I’m enormously proud of their success today and they deserve every credit for their resilience and endeavour. These have been challenging times for staff and students in a globally uncertain landscape and today is the day we celebrate this milestone in their individual journeys, look forward to the next chapter of their education and thank our wonderful staff who have shown such expertise in guiding them through.”