FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

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Space Takeover Delights Pupils at Highfield Prep School

Pupils at Highfield Prep School discovered their school was ‘out of this world’ recently.

Highfield Prep School - Space Week

Highfield Prep School – Space Week

A special cross-curricular space week ‘launched’ with a smouldering rocket in a cordoned off area of the playground. Safety inspectors and MOD Police were on hand to protect bystanders!

Inside, Mission Control was the hub of the school and classrooms were decorated to depict the red planet, a space ship, the Moon landing, the Solar System and an International Space Station.

During Space week pupils learnt how to launch rockets, visited a pop up planetarium, listened to a talk on the Mission to Mars, baked rock cakes and more. Lessons were designed to enrich the curriculum and Pre-School children also enjoyed activities including making alien hats and exploring lights in the sensory room.

Head of Highfield, James Savile said,

“It was fantastic to see the look of initial confusion and then joy on the children’s faces as they arrived at school. Bringing the wonder of space alive was fascinating for pupils of all ages and broadened their knowledge of the universe.

“Creating such memorable moments in our pupils’ lives is a privilege and memories such as these will stay with children forever. Special thanks must also go to all of our exceptional teaching staff who put so much effort into the organisation and for their amazing costumes!”