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Solo Charity Cycle Challenge for Harrogate Ladies’ College Teacher

Harrogate Ladies’ College Science Teacher has embarked on a challenging solo cycle in Scotland to raise money for the St Michael’s Hospice charity.

John Greenhalgh, Head of Biology at College is cycling the NC500, a 530 mile route around the North Coast of Scotland starting and finishing in Inverness. It’s a gruelling, hilly route that he aims to complete in just seven days, averaging 75 miles a day and carrying all his kit. 

Mr Greenhalgh trains for his solo cycle challenge to raise money for St Michael's Hospice

Mr Greenhalgh trains for his solo cycle challenge to raise money for St Michael’s Hospice

John has been training hard and when he’s not busy in the Science lab teaching, prepping for lessons, on weekend duty or spending time with his young family he has been cycling an average 160 miles each week sometimes late in the evening. He was so committed to his training schedule he even trained indoors on Christmas Eve evening! 

For John, the pain of the physically enduring challenge will be even tougher as he has Crohn’s disease and experiences discomfort daily. He has set an ambitious target to raise £5,000 and has funded all the bicycle kit, rail fare, accommodation and food himself.

John said, “I’ve been genuinely moved and overwhelmed by peoples’ generosity and the support I’ve received so far. The St Michael’s charity is very close to my heart as my mother was resident at the hospice before passing away eight years ago.” 

Mrs Sylvia Brett, Principal of Harrogate Ladies’ College said,

“We’re all incredibly proud of Mr Greenhalgh and his resilience and determination is a shining example of how important it is to put something back into the community. He is a fantastic role model for all our pupils and we wish him the very best of luck!”

Sylvia Brett, Principal of Harrogate Ladies’ College

John started his solitary cycle challenge on Tuesday 4 April and is recording his progress on social media sites. Follow @alifeinlycra on Twitter or visit alifeinlycra on Instagram or Facebook.

To make a donation please go to http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JohnGreenhalgh