FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

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‘Ralph Day’ raises over £2,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support

Highfield Prep-School in Harrogate have celebrated ‘Ralph Day’ – a charity day of happiness and joy to celebrate head boy Ralph Tasker successfully finishing his cancer treatment.

Diagnosed when he was just 6 years old, Ralph has spent the past three years whilst studying at Highfield, undertaking treatment and the school were delighted to celebrate with him on Friday through a charity day in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, which has already raised over £2,000. Highfield pupils wore non-uniform and brought in a joke for a competition that Ralph was delighted to judge. The jokes are currently being compiled into a book which Highfield will sell in aid of Macmillan.

Ralph with his teachers at Highfield

Ralph with his teachers at Highfield

Head of Highfield James Savile said,

“We were so pleased to name Friday ‘Ralph Day’ and to celebrate with Ralph and his family after walking with them on this journey for so long. We are extremely proud of Ralph for the courage he has shown, and delighted he has now successfully completed his treatment. Charity fundraising is very much part of life at Highfield and we are thrilled that together we have raised over two thousand pounds for Macmillan Cancer Support, a charity close to Ralph’s families’ heart.”

Ralph said,

“The fun charity day for Macmillan was a great success. It was almost worth three years of treatment just to hear the bad jokes! My family and I would like to thank every single person connected to Highfield for the support shown to us over the last three and a half years. Thank you.”