FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

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Prestigious writing competition returns to Harrogate

A prestigious writing competition which celebrates inspirational women was launched this week to coincide with International Women’s Day.  Organised by Harrogate Ladies’ College, the competition is open to primary schoolchildren in the local area.

The competition attracted dozens of excellent entries when it was first launched last year and the Principal Mrs Sylvia Brett said she hoped this year’s competition would prove just as popular:

“Last year’s entries were of the highest calibre. The quality of writing, the imagination and flair in the essays took my breath away. There was an absolute wealth of talent in last year’s entries and it was a real pleasure to read them. We want to celebrate the amazing success of women everywhere – last year we had entries ranging from the incredible story of someone’s grandmother to the inspirational women who changed the course of history.

As a school we have championed pioneering women for over 130 years and this competition aims to celebrate the success of women who have become role models in the children’s lives. We want to hear the stories from our junior friends in the community about who has had an impact on their lives and why.

prestigious writing competition


The competition is open to Year 3,4 and 5 pupils and finalists will be invited to a special lunch and have the chance to hear their stories read out. Pupils in Years 3 &4 must write a maximum of 500 words and Year 5 pupils have a 750-word limit. The winner in each age category will receive £50 of book vouchers and a further £50 in vouchers for their school.  The competition closes on March 31.

To find out more go to www.hlc.org.uk/inspired – entries can also be submitted by email to essay@hlc.org.uk.