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Oxbridge to Opera – Harrogate Ladies’ College Celebrate University Offers

Harrogate Ladies’ College Sixth Form pupils are celebrating after receiving offers from their chosen universities.

Harrogate Ladies' College Upper Sixth Pupils Jennifer Claridge and Grace Caton - Copy

Grace Caton, Head Girl at Harrogate Ladies’ College received an offer from the Royal Northern College of Music. Grace, who is also Head of Choir, will study in the school of Vocal Studies and Opera. Meanwhile Jennifer Claridge, Deputy Head Girl has received an offer to read Classics at Oxford University.

Grace, from Harrogate said,

“It’s a dream come true. Singing has always been my passion and I’m so grateful to Mrs Morgan, Head of Music at Harrogate Ladies’ College for her encouragement. I have also had amazing opportunities at school to develop my musical skills through competing in national competitions and performing with the Chapel Choir in cathedrals all over the world.”

Grace Caton, Head Girl, Harrogate Ladies’ College

Jennifer, also from Harrogate said,

” I’m overjoyed with my offer as I’ve wanted to study Classics for as long as I can remember. I’ve always aspired to study at Oxford University and I can’t thank Dr Ashcroft, Head of Sixth Form at Harrogate Ladies’ College enough for the support and guidance she provided as well as arranging preparation for the interview stage.”

Jennifer Claridge, Deputy Head Girl, Harrogate Ladies’ College

In total, 77% of offers have been made from Russell Group universities so far for subjects as diverse as Medicine, Maths, Biomedical Sciences, Pharmacology, Psychology, Philosophy, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Marketing and Management and Classics.

Principal of Harrogate Ladies’ College, Mrs Sylvia Brett said,

“I am delighted with all the university offers that our girls have received and they should be very proud of their hard work and achievements so far.”

Sylvia Brett, Principal of Harrogate Ladies’ College.