FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

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Oxbridge Offers for Harrogate Ladies’ College Pupils

Two Harrogate Ladies’ College pupils are celebrating after receiving Oxbridge offers for September.

One offer is to read Law at Cambridge University and a second Oxbridge offer is for a place at Oxford University to study Physics and Philosophy.

Oxbridge Offers for two Harrogate Ladies' College Pupils

Oxbridge Offers for two Harrogate Ladies’ College Pupils

In total, 75% of pupils have received offers from Russell Group universities for subjects as diverse as Veterinary Science, Economics, Psychology, Civil Engineering, Accounting and Fashion Design.

Principal of Harrogate Ladies’ College, Mrs Sylvia Brett said,

“I am delighted with all the university offers that our girls have received and they should be very proud of their hard work and achievements so far.“

Sylvia Brett, Principal of Harrogate Ladies’ College