FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

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Oliver! Cast Dazzle at Harrogate Ladies’ College

Pupils from Harrogate Ladies’ College Drama and Music departments collaborated recently to perform a stunning production of Oliver! to sell-out audiences.

Featuring a cast and orchestra that included girls from Year 7 to Sixth Form, the familiar story of a young orphan seeking family and friendship on the harsh streets of Victorian London was a unique and imaginative production.

School productions are one of the highlights in the Spring Term calendar at Harrogate Ladies’ College and this year was no exception. With two sell-out evening performances as well as a special matinee performance for local Prep and Primary schools, audiences were captivated throughout the show.

Harrogate Ladies' College pupils production of Oliver!

Harrogate Ladies’ College pupils production of Oliver!

Outstanding orchestral performances, stunning solos and budding younger performers combined to give a powerful and at times moving musical adaptation of Charles Dickens much loved classic novel, Oliver Twist.

The narrative was also brought to life with clever choreography to take full advantage of the staging. Technology and the projection of moving images provided a stunning backdrop to the authentic and vibrant costumes.

Mrs Sylvia Brett, Principal of Harrogate Ladies’ College said,

“The girls gave a truly amazing performance and the whole cast should be really proud of themselves. Their energy and passion really shone and the audience’s appreciation was well deserved.


“Special thanks must also go to all of our exceptional teaching staff who put so much effort into the rehearsals and for the superb costumes!”

Sylvia Brett, Principal of Harrogate Ladies’ College