FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

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Musical Success for Harrogate Ladies’ College Sixth Form Pupil

A talented Lower Sixth student at Harrogate Ladies’ College has achieved success in a national musical competition.    

Nicole Brocksom pictured with Director of Music, Mrs Morgan

Nicole Brocksom pictured with Director of Music, Mrs Morgan

Nicole Brocksom of Harrogate entered the Music Education Expo Composition Competition after composing a piece for the Harrogate Ladies’ College Remembrance Sunday Service last year.  The creative teenager wrote a complex choral piece for Soprano, Alto and Tenor parts to a poem by Christina Rossetti.

Her ‘In the Silence’ composition was selected by judges as the winning entry and she will hear it performed at the Music Education Expo event at Olympia in later this month by an affiliate youth choir of the Birmingham Conservatoire.  She will then be presented with her prize by Julian Lloyd Webber, the internationally-acclaimed cellist and advocate for music education.

Kate Morgan, Director of Music said

“This is a fantastic achievement by Nicole and we’re all incredibly proud of her.  Her composition is a very accomplished piece.”

Kate Morgan, Director of Music, Harrogate Ladies’ College

Nicole said,

“I’m so thrilled to have won! I still can’t quite believe it!  I can’t thank Mrs Morgan enough for the opportunities and encouragement that I’ve been given at College to develop my musical skills.”

Nicole Brocksom, Sixth Form Student, Harrogate Ladies’ College