FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

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Harrogate Ladies’ College Pupil Wins 11 Medals at the National Dwarf Games

Lottie McGuinness, a 13 year old pupil at Harrogate Ladies’ College enjoyed amazing success at the National Dwarf Games in Birmingham last week, returning home with 11 medals. 


More than 200 people took part in the games, featuring a host of competitions including basketball, swimming, athletics and rifle shooting.

A jubilant Lottie, returned home with 11 medals including a gold, two silver and a bronze medal in swimming and three bronze and two silver in athletics.  Lottie also won bronze medals in hockey and basketball.

Lottie McGuiness said:

“This is the third time I’ve competed in the National Dwarf Games and my best year yet.  It was a really amazing atmosphere and Warwick Davis presented the medals, which was really great.”Lottie McGuiness

President and Founder of the Dwarf Sports Association UK (DSAuk), Arthur Dean OBE says he has witnessed many lives being fulfilled and turned around through sport,

“This organisation has played a major role in breaking down barriers of difference in society towards people with dwarfism. It all began with 6 members and now boasts over 500. Seeing these young people develop in their lives as well as in sport is so rewarding and well worth 22 years of team work”Arthur Dean