FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

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Harrogate Ladies’ College to Perform Henry Purcell Opera

Pupils from Harrogate Ladies’ College are preparing to perform a challenging 17th century baroque opera with a distinctly modern “Made in Chelsea” twist.

Dido and Aeneas

Harrogate Ladies’ College Music Department prepare to perform Henry Purcell’s Dido & Aeneas

“Dido and Aeneas” was written by English composer, Henry Purcell in the 17th century and is often regarded as the first great English opera.

It was first performed at Josia Priest’s School for Girls in Chelsea in 1688 which was the inspiration for the setting of Harrogate Ladies’ College interpretation.


Director of Music, Kate Morgan said: 

“The basic ingredients of the opera are love, hate, war, power and betrayal which are all very relevant to modern society and the opera’s Chelsea roots gave us the inspiration to set our interpretation in modern day Chelsea.  “I’ve had the opera in mind for quite a while but it’s really challenging both vocally and dramatically and so we had to wait until we had girls with the necessary skills and experience to attempt this ambitious project..

Kate Morgan, Director of Music, Harrogate Ladies’ College

 Nicole Brocksom, who plays Dido said:

“Preparing for this performance has been a really challenging experience. It’s an amazing opportunity and I’m pleased that my school has had the courage and the ability to take on such a difficult production”

Nicole Brocksom, Sixth Form Student at Harrogate Ladies’ College

The opera will also feature Richard Upton as Aeneas, who is a well-known figure in the Harrogate music scene and is also starring in the St Andrew’s Players production of White Christmas at Harrogate Theatre.

The opera is being directed by Harrogate Ladies’ College singing teacher, Maria Bovino whose own professional operatic career included a role in Dido and Aeneas.

The opera will be performed at Harrogate Ladies’ College on 11 November at 5pm and 13 November at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5 and can be booked via email enquire@hlc.org.uk or telephone 01423 504543.