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Harrogate Ladies’ College Celebrates Pupils’ Success

Harrogate Ladies’ College welcomed former Head Girl, Hannah Lowther from Summerbridge, as guest of honour at its annual Speech Day recently.

Guest Speaker Former Head Girl Hannah Lowther and Harrogate Ladies' College Head Girl and Sixth Form Prefects

Guest Speaker, Hannah Lowther and Harrogate Ladies’ College Head Girl and Sixth Form Prefects












Girls, parents and invited guests gathered to celebrate the pupils’ successes during the academic year and to commemorate the school’s 125th Anniversary Year. Hannah gave an inspiring address which reflected on key events including the centenary of the Suffragette movement and her personal journey since leaving Harrogate Ladies’ College in 2010.

Sport played a huge part in the former Head Girl’s life at College which continued at Durham University where Hannah achieved first class honours in Sport and Exercise Science and was elected Club Captain of Women’s Lacrosse for two consecutive years. Hannah said,

“It was a real honour to speak at my former school and award the prizes for Speech Day. There is a wonderful community at Harrogate Ladies’ College where girls develop resilience, a sense of independence and have the confidence to be who they are.

“There are so many amazing opportunities at Harrogate Ladies’ College including the Duke of Edinburgh awards, positions of responsibility and overseas trips that girls can take full advantage of, but it’s also important to remember to live in the moment and remember who you’re experiencing it with.”

Sylvia Brett, Principal of Harrogate Ladies’ College commented,

“We were delighted that Hannah was able to join us at Speech Day ahead of her competing a gruelling swimming relay across the English Channel the following day!

“Hannah’s determination and drive to succeed is extraordinary. Her encouragement to be open to whatever life holds is a wonderful message that all our girls should adhere to.”