FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

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Harrogate Ladies’ College Celebrates Impressive A Level Results

Pupils and staff at Harrogate Ladies’ College are today celebrating an impressive set of A level results which saw pupils achieve 4 times more A* to A grades than independent baseline grade predictions. 

pupils receive A level results outside Harrogate Ladies College

Harrogate Ladies’ College Principal, Sylvia Brett applauds the impressive results of this year’s A level students

More than 70% of students achieved one or more A* or A grades.  Eight subjects including English Literature, German and Latin recorded 100% A*- B grades across the board.

Principal of Harrogate Ladies’ College, Sylvia Brett commented,

“I’m delighted that our pupils have achieved such impressive results. The size of our school enables us to work closely with individual students to ensure that they achieve the best results they possibly can.  Today’s results mean that our leavers have fabulous opportunities open to them in the next stage of their lives. They also leave us equipped with the confidence, determination and ambition to achieve amazing things in their chosen fields.”

Sylvia Brett, Principal

University Success

Over 80% of students have immediately secured their choice of university with an impressive 10% going on to study at Durham University.

Among those celebrating today are Head Girl, Maisie Axon who has secured a place at Durham to study Ancient History, Lena Brandstrom studying Anthropology at Durham, Johanna Wiesflecker studying Maths at Edinburgh and Fran Bell studying Psychology and Philosophy at Nottingham.

Maisie Axon, who joined the school when she was just 2 years old said, 

“I’m really excited about moving onto Durham University. I’m very sad to be leaving Harrogate Ladies’ College after 16 years but I’ll take with me some great memories and friendships that will last me a lifetime.” 

Head Girl, Maisie Axon (Ancient History, Durham University)

Lena Brandstrom added

“I’m absolutely delighted to have got a place at Durham, I can’t thank the teachers at Harrogate Ladies’ College enough for the support and guidance they’ve given me and for helping me to get to where I am today.”

Lena Brandstrom (Anthropology, Durham University) 


Harrogate Ladies' College pupil with A Star cake

Harrogate Ladies’ College student Frankie Wood, celebrates A* grades with a madeira cake specially prepared by the school’s award winning Catering Team