FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

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Harrogate Ladies’ College celebrate GCSE Results Success

Pupils at Harrogate Ladies’ College are celebrating outstanding GCSE results after receiving them by email this morning and joining a socially distanced lawn celebration.

Once again Harrogate Ladies’ College pupils excelled in all subjects including Maths and Physics, echoing last week’s A level results where students achieved top grades in STEM subjects and gained places at prestigious universities to read the likes of Medicine and Natural Science.

Harrogate Ladies’ College pupils celebrate achieving excellent GCSEs

In light of this year’s GCSE exam cancellations, pupils were awarded either their centre assessment grade, or the moderated grade, whichever was higher.

Sylvia Brett, Principal of Harrogate Ladies’ College commented,

“We are extremely proud of all our girls who have received their GCSE results this morning. As a school we are committed to making sure every girl is able to progress to the next stage of their education confident, happy and feeling supported. We are especially proud of the resilience and determination our pupils have shown in the face of such a unique and challenging set of circumstances; they have shown an exceptional level of commitment – they are amazing!”