FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

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Forensic Investigations

The modern-day complexities of a ‘real’ murder scene were brought to life in a day of serious scientific investigation for Harrogate pupils. Harrogate Ladies’ College pupils had to investigate the suspicious ‘death’ of a ‘body’ as part of their Crime Scene Investigation Day, which was attended by a forensics officer from North Yorkshire Police. The investigation included studying hair and blood samples, finger printing, testing fabrics under a microscope, and looking at the science behind gunshot residue. The day, run by the school’s Science department, began with the ‘discovery’ of the ‘victim’s’ body and led to detailed research in a makeshift mortuary. 

CSI day


Head of Science at the school, Sue Ali, said the day was designed to bring science to life and encourage more girls to think about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) in future. She commented:

“It’s such an exciting day with a lot of very detailed analysis of tests in a laboratory setting. The research is intense and real and an extremely popular day for everyone. We try to emulate the process of a crime scene investigation as much as possible and there’s a real element of suspense and surprise.”

The day was aided by STEM ambassadors who are sixth-form students from the school who are studying Science subjects. They were also given a talk on careers in forensics and the opportunities in police and detective work. Ms Ali added:

“We set the scene and as the plot unveils, it becomes exciting for the different teams to share their research and work out exactly how murders are investigated and ultimately solved. All the different elements of investigation are included in the day using the labs and it’s a great introduction to an exciting array of careers in Science.”