FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

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Harrogate Ladies’ College Head Girl Amelia Braithwaite Awarded Place At LAMDA

Current Harrogate Ladies College Head Girl and senior Drama Scholar Amelia Braithwaite has been awarded a place to train for a BA in Acting at the highly prestigious LAMDA. 

Amelia received the good news after doing a series of complex second round auditions via online platforms during the Coronavirus pandemic as well as supplying performance material on Youtube and attending Zoom call backs. 

Amelia performed Shakespearian and contemporary monologues in the audition process which saw her secure a place at the prestigious world-leading conservatoire. 

As senior Drama Scholar not only has Amelia been an active member of the Drama department at HLC performing in multiple productions including Antigone and the Wizard of Oz, she is also a member of the prestigious National Youth Theatre with whom she has performed with at the likes of the Edinburgh Festival.

Amelia appearing in the school production of Antigone

Amelia said,

“It was such an amazing surprise to get the news. I was invited to join a Zoom with LAMDA’s registrar who informed me I had been successful. It was such a surprise as it was so unexpected. I was thoroughly aware of just how slim the chances were of me even getting a recall at my young age, but to be offered a place just blew all expectations I had out of the water. I was utterly stunned on the Zoom call and am so excited to move down and start honing my craft!”

Harrogate Ladies’ College Principal Sylvia Brett said,

“We’re all enormously proud of Amelia. This is an outstanding achievement and we are really looking forward to seeing what Amelia goes on to do next as she takes this exciting step on to LAMDA. Amelia has made many wonderful contributions to HLC drama productions over the years and we thank her for her dedication and commitment to College life”.