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Celebrations At Harrogate Ladies’ College As Pupils Achieve Excellent A Level Results

Pupils at Harrogate Ladies’ College are today celebrating excellent A level results which saw the number of A*-B grades reach 70%, an increase on last year when the school topped the Harrogate league tables based on average point score per academic entry.

2018 A level results - Harrogate Ladies' College - Press Release

Students celebrating A level results

Pupils at the school achieved twice the number of A* grades predicted by independent base-line data and 90% of all grades were A*-C.  There was also a clean sweep of 100% A*-B grades in a total of 8 different subjects including French, English Language and Latin.

“There have been major changes to A-levels in the last couple of years and we’ve seen reports in the media that this year’s exams were the toughest yet.  To have increased our A*-B grades yet again this year within this context is really quite remarkable. 
“I know how hard the girls have worked to achieve these results.  I’ve seen their determination to succeed and I’ve also seen the commitment and the dedication of the teaching staff.  I hope that they are all very proud and that the results announced today will give each and every girl the opportunity to follow their own individual and unique path in the world.”

Sylvia Brett, Principal, Harrogate Ladies’ College 

Among those celebrating was Jenny Claridge who, 2 years ago achieved 10 A*s and an A at GCSE and today secured a place at Oxford University to study Classics with an A* and 3 As.  Joining Jenny in the celebrations were Molly Brown who achieved an A* and 2 As to secure a place at Edinburgh University to study French and History; and Head Girl, Grace Caton who will be taking up a prestigious place at the Royal Northern College of Music next year to study Opera and Singing. 

“It’s been a really long wait to get the results, but now I know I’ve got my place for next year I’m really excited.  I’m fascinated with the past, particularly the ancient world and to have the opportunity to study Classics at Oxford is really very special”.

Jenny Claridge, 1 A* and 3 A grades in 2018 at A Level

Grace Caton added,

“Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted to sing and I’ve had the most amazing support from Harrogate Ladies’ College. The teachers and pupils have given me the opportunity to be myself and follow my dream and I can’t quite believe that I now have a place at the Royal Northern College of Music!” 

Grace Caton, Studying Opera and Singing at the Royal Northern College of Music.