FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

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Celebrated Performance of Dylan Thomas Classic

Harrogate Ladies’ College drama students amazed and enthralled audiences recently with an imaginative production of Dylan Thomas’s classic ‘Under Milk Wood’.

Harrogate Ladies' College Drama Department Production of Under Milk Wood

Harrogate Ladies’ College Drama Department Production of Under Milk Wood

Surpassing the huge success of ‘Anne of Green Gables’ last year, the two sell out performances of the dream world of protagonist blind Captain Cat showcased the singing and acting talents of a cast that included pupils from Year 7 to Sixth Form.

Featuring an array of colourful characters that are portrayed during the day in a life of a small Welsh fishing village, the fantasy-like quality of Thomas’s lyrical and sometimes seemingly nonsensical rhythmic words were characterised with surreal staging, choreography and music.

Head of Drama at Harrogate Ladies’ College, Michael Cook said

““We’re incredibly proud to have staged such an ambitious literary masterpiece and all the cast deserve to be praised for their hard work and boundless enthusiasm.””

Mike Cook, Head of Drama, Harrogate Ladies’ College