FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

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Harrogate Ladies’ College Pupils Visit Battlefields of the First World War

From Hull to Zeebrugge on a ferry, followed by Ieper (Ypres) to the Somme on a bus; Harrogate Ladies’ College, Upper 4 travelled long and hard to seek out the battlefields of the First World War, that they have been learning about in their History lessons.

Battlefield Trip College

The girls thoroughly enjoyed the trip, and the glorious weather! Some of the highlights included exploring the actual trenches, hearing all about the Harrogate soldiers, and being able to put stories to gravestones, which really helped everyone to remember that behind each headstone lies a soldier with his own story.

The thing that really hit everyone was seeing the sheer number of graves, which is itself far less than the number of soldiers who died. It really shocked everyone to see all of the graves, instead of just hearing a number in the classroom.