FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

We’ll be opening the doors to our family of schools again on Friday 2 May – why not come along and find out what makes us different!  

To register, please click the link below or email admissions at admissions@hlc.org.uk 

Alicia Fenton, Head of Bankfield Nursery Harrogate

Bankfield to Become Highfield Pre-School

Bankfield Nursery and Pre-Prep is to have a new name from September – Highfield Pre-School.

Bankfield to Become Highfield Pre-School

Bankfield to Become Highfield Pre-School

The main reason for this change is to celebrate the core ethos that roots both Bankfield and Highfield, which is an absolute commitment to ensuring that every boy and girl can be their very best selves and can flourish academically and in all areas of life.  

Whilst our nursery and prep schools have had different names since they were established, we have found on occasions this has caused confusion, especially for potential parents.  In the wider community we will now also be able to shout about the tremendous provision we offer for boys and girls aged 2-11 without using two different school names.

There is so much integration between Bankfield and Highfield already especially in the Early Years where the curriculum covers both Bankfield and Highfield Reception classes.  Both schools also share members of staff such as Mrs Gray who teaches Music at both Bankfield and Highfield, and of course we hold many joint events throughout the year such as our recent wonderful Easter Bonnet Parade.  With these things in mind, it seems to make sense to have just one overarching name for both schools – Highfield. 

The new name will be officially introduced from the beginning of next academic year.  At that time Bankfield will also come within the leadership and management structure of Highfield.  Mrs Fenton will continue as Head of EYFS; with Mr Savile as overall Head of Highfield 2-11 years and Mrs Brett as Principal of the whole school community 2-18 years.