FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

We’ll be opening the doors to our family of schools again on Friday 2 May – why not come along and find out what makes us different!  

To register, please click the link below or email admissions at admissions@hlc.org.uk 


Alumna Singing for Charity

Former pupil and Head of Choir, Elle Kay-Coles (2011-15) is raising money to support local voluntary groups who are providing PPE to local hospitals, including Harrogate Nightingale. Elle is a singer/songwriter, and has written a song about the sacrifices being made by those working on the front line during the Coronavirus crisis. 

Since she can remember Elle has been a singer. She was Head of Chapel Choir and Performing Art Prefect, both roles she truly loved doing!  Elle started song writing at the age of 10, released her first EP ‘Pretending’ last year, and has been performing in Manchester and London since.

She recently wrote a song to express all of the thoughts she has had about the current situation, and felt she needed to use this song to be able to support those in need at the moment. Elle heard of a group in Harrogate called the ‘Harrogate Scrubbers’ who are making scrubs, hats, ear savers and headbands for the local hospitals. She then discovered that there are groups all over the country doing this! They rely on volunteers and donations to function, so thought it would be best to support groups in North Yorkshire. So far she has raised over £300 for the Scarborough Group and in other ways raised £1000 for the York Group, but would love to be able to support more, if you are able, please donate here.

Since writing the song, Elle and her mum have set up a satellite hub in Great Ouseburn for the Harrogate Scrubbers, to get fabric and scrubs to and from the villages in their area. Elle says “It has been wonderful to see so many people coming together in such difficult times, and the amount of care and attention people are putting into their creations is just lovely.”

Elle is performing live in the Virtual HCU Reunion on Saturday 6th June – find out more here.