FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

We’ll be opening the doors to our family of schools again on Friday 2 May – why not come along and find out what makes us different!  

To register, please click the link below or email admissions at admissions@hlc.org.uk 

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The Leadership Team, Highfield Pre-School and Nursery

The Pre-School Leadership Team is made up of James Savile, Head of Highfield 2-11 years; Sadie Herring, Head of EYFS; and Sam Pickard, Pre-School Manager.

Together James, Sadie and Sam are an incredible team and are passionate about the importance of pre-school education.

Sam Pickard is a highly experienced Senior Early Years Practitioner and as Pre-School Manager is responsible for the day to day academic and pastoral care of our pre-school children. She is also the key point of contact for parents on a daily basis and is Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead for our whole school community.

“I absolutely love Highfield Pre-School! It’s a happy, family oriented, nurturing learning environment. The facilities are outstanding, particularly the outdoor space and the children love it. In my view, it’s where a love of life and a passion for learning really does begin.”

Sam Pickard, Pre-School Manager

Sadie Herring is a qualified and experienced primary education teacher and as Head of EYFS takes strategic responsibility for the academic provision at Highfield Pre-School. Sadie is also a Reception Class teacher in Highfield Prep School. She ensures our pre-school and prep school are academically aligned and that the children are ready and excited about joining ‘big school’ by the end of their time in pre-school.

“The first few years of a child’s educational journey are arguably the most important. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), quite literally forms the foundations of learning that everything else then builds on. Our role at Highfield Pre-School is to help the children develop a lifelong love of learning and that starts the very first day the children walk through the door.”

Sadie Herring, Head of EYFS

James Savile is the Head of Highfield 2-11 and works closely with Sam and Sarah to ensure the highest levels of academic and pastoral excellence across the Highfield community. James’ vision is at the heart of Highfield Pre-School.

“I have a sense that today’s children will find themselves living in a very different world. We need to prepare them for this. They’re going to need to have the confidence to take risks; to know how to ask for help; and to be proud of who they are. All of that starts with the very youngest children in pre-school.”

James Savile, Head of Highfield 2-11

James Savile, Head of Highfield Prep School