FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

We’ll be opening the doors to our family of schools again on Friday 2 May – why not come along and find out what makes us different!  

To register, please click the link below or email admissions at admissions@hlc.org.uk 

Sixth Form facilities – main
Sixth Form facilities – side image

Dedicated Sixth Form Facilities at Harrogate Ladies' College

Whilst very much being integrated in to the day to day life of the main school, our Sixth Form students have the added benefit of their own dedicated Sixth Form Centre. The Sixth Form facilities are designed to offer a little more freedom and to support a more independent way of life. 

In addition to the facilities of our main Campus, here are a few of the dedicated facilities available to our Sixth Form students: 

  • Sixth Form Café (The Hub)
  • Sixth Form Common Rooms
  • Sixth Form Studies (for day and boarding pupils)
  • Sixth Form Dining Room
  • Sixth Form Games Room
  • Sixth Form Careers Centre



Our Sixth Form Studies are a unique feature of our Sixth Form Centre. They are something which our girls tell us they love!  Each girl is allocated a Study when she joins the Sixth Form providing a quiet, comfortable work space, with internet access. The study is hers to use anytime outside of lessons from 8am to 9pm.  The Studies often become a ‘home away from home’ and are ideal for the kind of independent working expected at Sixth Form. The girls also love to personalise them and make them their own!

As the A level curriculum is more intense, we often find that Sixth Form students tend to spend more time in school.  They really benefit from the fact that our school is open beyond the normal school day and that even our day girls can arrive early and join us for breakfast; or stay late and join us for dinner. Find out more about the Benefits of Being A Day Girl

As a school with boarding facilities, all of our Sixth Form day girls also have the option to board either regularly or occasionally.  In fact, our day fees include two free nights boarding each term.  Some of our girls find that this can help reduce the amount of time they spend travelling to and from school each day, particularly when they need to study!  For others, it’s a great way of building a bit more independence as they start to prepare for life at university. Find out more about our Boarding Facilities

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