FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

We’ll be opening the doors to our family of schools again on Friday 2 May – why not come along and find out what makes us different!  

To register, please click the link below or email admissions at admissions@hlc.org.uk 

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Applying for Sixth Form at Harrogate Ladies' College

Students applying for Sixth Form from other schools can do so at any time during Year 10 or Year 11. We recommend starting the process as early as possible so that everything is in place before the important run up to GCSE examinations in Year 11.

We don’t select pupils for Sixth Form based purely on academic attainment, although we do want to ensure that students are academically suited to A level studies. Importantly, we look for girls who are passionate about joining our school: who have the potential to contribute to our vibrant and diverse Sixth Form community and will be excellent role models for our younger pupils.

The process of applying for Sixth Form is as follows:

  • Visit Us: We always recommend coming to visit us as first step when thinking about applying for Sixth Form. We’ll arrange for some of our current Sixth Form students to show you around and we encourage you to ask them as many questions as possible! This is also an opportunity to meet our Sixth Form staff and specific subject teachers. As a follow up to an initial visit, we’re happy to arrange a Taster Day where potential students can spend the day in Sixth Form and try out some lessons.
  • Registration: Once you’ve visited us, we’ll ask you to complete a Registration Form to confirm that you would like to proceed with an application.

    Download Registration Form

  • Assessment: Applicants for Sixth Form will be asked to complete Entrance papers in Maths and English. These can be completed at College, or at your current school (where distance from the school is an issue).We also ask to see copies of your most recent school report and your predicted GCSE grades.In addition, we will also request a reference from your daughter’s current school at this point.
  • Interview: Once papers have been completed your daughter will be invited for an interview with our Principal. (This can be conducted via Skype where appropriate).
  • Offer: If successful, we will aim to issue an offer as soon as possible after interview, typically within a week.
  • Acceptance: Once you’ve received an offer, we’ll ask you to complete an Acceptance Form and pay a deposit to confirm that you would like to accept the place.


To find out more about joining Harrogate Ladies’ College Sixth Form or to arrange a personal visit, please contact our Admissions Team direct on 01423 537045 or email admissions@hlc.org.uk. Alternatively, please feel free to complete the form below.

    Name of child *

    Date of birth *

    Name of parent *

    Contact email address *

    Contact telephone number *

    How did you hear about our school?*

    Enquiry details *

    How will we use your information?
    We collect, store and use your personal data in line with the General Data Protection Regulations. We’ll use your data to contact you in relation to your enquiry about our school; to invite you to attend relevant events about joining our school such as Open Mornings; and to process your child's application to join our family of schools. We may contact you by post, email, telephone or text message. Data may be shared with companies and individuals contracted by us to carry out specific projects on behalf of the Harrogate Ladies' College. We will never sell your data to anyone.

    Download our Privacy Notice for Parents

    Download our Privacy Notice for College Pupils

    By submitting this form, you confirm that you are happy for us to use your data for these purposes. Please contact the Admissions Office on 01423 537045, or email admissions@hlc.org.uk if you have any questions regarding your data and how we might use it. You have the right to change your preferences at any time.

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