FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

We’ll be opening the doors to our family of schools again on Friday 2 May – why not come along and find out what makes us different!  

To register, please click the link below or email admissions at admissions@hlc.org.uk 

clubs and societies – circle

Extra Curricular Clubs and Societies

Life at Harrogate Ladies’ College isn’t just about academic excellence, it’s also about developing a love of life – about trying new things and learning new skills outside of the classroom as well as in it. 

We have an incredibly wide and diverse range of extra-curricular clubs and societies that are available to students to enable them to do just that. 

Throughout the schools, pupils’ experience is enriched by the provision of a wide selection of extra-curricular activities that cater for a variety of interests, including sport and music but offering much beyond.

ISI Inspection Report

Here’s an idea of just some of the extra-curricular activities on offer :

  • Business Breakfast 
  • Digital Leaders and Coding
  • Duke of Edinburgh Awards
  • Eco Committee
  • Medicine
  • Ancient Greek
  • Spanish 
  • Engineering
  • Creative Writing 
  • Drama
  • Art 
  • Textiles
  • Food
  • Chapel Choir
  • Gallery Choir
  • Orchestra
  • Strings Orchestra
  • Wind Ensemble
  • Brass Ensemble
  • Badminton
  • Tennis
  • Running
  • Dance
  • Swimming

Each term we have more than 50 different clubs and activities to choose from.  Some clubs run all year and some change and develop each term.  Why not have a look at the sample Clubs and Activities Directory below to give you a taste of what a typical term’s clubs might look like. 

Download a Sample Clubs and Activities Directory to find out more.

Duke of edinburgh award

We are proud to offer the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award program at the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels.

DofE is open to any young person aged 14-24. Participants build their own programme, choosing activities and a cause to volunteer for. The main differences between the Award levels are the minimum length of time it takes to complete the programme, how challenging it is, and the minimum age you can start. There are four main sections of a DofE programme: Volunteering, Physical, Skills, and Expedition. At Gold, participants will also complete a Residential section.

Find out more about the Duke of Edinburgh Award.