FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

We’ll be opening the doors to our family of schools again on Friday 2 May – why not come along and find out what makes us different!  

To register, please click the link below or email admissions at admissions@hlc.org.uk 

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Harrogate Ladies' College One Year GCSE Programme

Our 1 Year GCSE Programme offers international students the opportunity to complete their GCSE qualifications in a fast-tracked, supportive environment. Designed as a stepping stone to A-levels, this intensive course allows students to join us in Year 11 and transition smoothly into our Sixth Form—with lower Sixth Form fees for those progressing from Year 11.

Why Choose Our 1 Year GCSE Programme?

Unlike many 1 Year GCSE courses, our programme is fully integrated within our main school, offering students the same academic and boarding experience as their peers.

  • Join Standard Year 11 Classes – Study alongside UK students with additional Catch Up lessons in key subjects. Some subjects, such as English, may be taught in dedicated international groups.
  • Subjects Studied – Depending on their subject choices, students typically take a maximum of 5-7 GCSEs.
  • Intensive, High-Quality Teaching – A three-term academic year with up to 25 hours of teaching per week.
  • Strong Academic and English Skills Required – Students should have a good level of English and a strong academic background (those needing extra time are welcome to apply for our standard 2 Year GCSE Programme instead).


Course Content & Subject Options

Students typically study up to seven GCSEs, choosing from the following core subject options:

  • Subject 1: English.
  • Subject 2: Mathematics (possibly Further Maths).
  • Subject 3: Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Dual Science GCSE course).
  • Subject 4: History, Geography, or Art.
  • Subject 5: French, Spanish, or German (students must have studied the language for 2-3 years or be a native speaker).


Additional subjects may be available based on prior studies—contact us to discuss options.

One Year GCSE Programme Pupils At Harrogate Ladies’ College Achieve Excellent Exam Results

Beyond the Classroom

Our 1 Year GCSE Programme offers more than just academics:

  • Minimum 2 hours of Sport per week
  • Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) – 1 hour weekly
  • EAL (English as an Additional Language) support (assessed on arrival, charged separately)
  • Access to over 60 extracurricular activities, from music to sports and leadership programs.


Preparation & admissions

Students will receive pre-course preparation work over the summer. Failure to complete this may be asked to complete the standard 2 Year GCSE Programme instead.

Standard fees and application processes apply. For more details, contact our Admissions Team at +44 (0) 1423 537045 or email admissions@hlc.org.uk

International Online Open Day