FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

We’ll be opening the doors to our family of schools again on Friday 2 May – why not come along and find out what makes us different!  

To register, please click the link below or email admissions at admissions@hlc.org.uk 

Grey tab – fees main
community – alumnae – circle

Alumni News - The Chronicle

Each year we publish our alumni magazine called The Chronicle. Each edition includes updates and news from former pupils; upcoming alumni events and news on what’s happening in school. 

The Chronicle dates back many years and is an amazing record of the lives of our former pupils. It is sent out to all of our HCU members around the world. Fill in this form to join the alumni community, or update your details if you have recently changed name, address or email.


click to read the 2023 edition of the chronicle 


Alumni News

We love to receive news from our alumni to include in The Chronicle and to share with our current pupils and parents in our regular e-newsletters and on social media. Perhaps you have career news, started a business or have received an award? Have you met up with other alumni recently, or taken part in a charity challenge or travel adventure? Recently graduated, been married or had a child? We would love to know more!

Simply complete the form below, including photos if you can! Remember you need to have received permission from any alumni that you mention in your news (text and photos).

    Title *

    First Name *

    Surname *

    Name at School (if different from above)

    Contact Email Address *

    School(s) attended*
    BankfieldHighfield Prep SchoolHarrogate Ladies' CollegeRetired Staff

    Year of Leaving School*

    News Information - please tell us your news!

    If you have a photograph or other document to accompany your news, please upload it below

    How will we use this information?
    We collect, store and use the information you provide to us in line with the General Data Protection Regulations. We may share your news in the HCU Chronicle, via social media and in HCU and school newsletters. The information provides may be shared with volunteers, companies and individuals contracted by us to carry out specific projects on behalf of the Harrogate College Union. All of the information provided will be managed in line with our Alumni Privacy Notice.

    Download our Alumni (HCU) Privacy Notice

    By submitting this form, you confirm that you are happy for us to use the information you have provided for the purposes outlined above. Please contact the Alumni Office on 01423 537029, or email HCU@hlc.org.uk if you have any questions regarding your data and how we might use it. You have the right to change your preferences at any time.